About Us
ISTOS project
Natural hazards are extreme events that can cause loss of life and damage to property. Some of these hazards, such as flooding, can happen anywhere while others such as earthquakes, can be site-specific. In most cases, hazards disrupt human activities leading to times of unrest and emergency. The communities which are vulnerable to such hazards are at greater risk to experience human, economic, social, and environmental losses. The ISTOS project aims to strengthen the scientific excellence and innovation capacity of the network partners in the area of the structural safety of buildings and infrastructure, disaster risk reduction (e.g. earthquakes, floods, medicanes), and post-disaster management.
Concept of ISTOS
Within the scope of the project, ISTOS will seek to bring together the excellence of the network partners to develop a dynamic, multi-disciplinary and challenging environment for research and innovation to raise the level and ambition of the research activities in Cyprus. To achieve innovative research while maintaining the sustainability of ISTOS, the implementation of the project will concentrate on three vertical priorities:
- Structural safety of buildings and infrastructure,
- Disaster risk reduction,
- Post-disaster management;
which will be crossed by five horizontal priorities:
Training and knowledge transfer,
Communication and networking,
ESR integration and development,
Dissemination and exploitation,
Project management.

ISTOS blends the excellence of two partners from Cyprus: the Frederick Research Center (FRC) and the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) with two internationally leading research institutions: the Unit of Soil Dynamics and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering established at the Aristotle University in Thessaloniki (AUTH) of Greece and the PLINIVS Study Centre established at the University of Naples Federico II (UNINA) of Italy.
The scientific quality of the partners and their experience in operational, large scale research infrastructures, including previous experience in the field of training and education at an internationally acknowledged level provides the means for quality training and the successful implementation of the proposed ISTOS project. The project training includes: Summer Schools (SS), Virtual Training sessions (VT), Webinars (WEB), and Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM)
Dissemination & Communication
The dissemination and communication of the results is integrated into the overall strategy of the ISTOS project. Specifically, a continuous interaction with the stakeholders, scholars, researchers, professional organizations, professionals, policymakers, standardization agencies, the general public as well as interaction with the activities of regional and international communities dealing with the structural safety of buildings and the disaster risk reduction will be fostered based on a range of activities and publications.
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ISTOS Conference
ISTOS Conference On February 8, 2024, Frederick University in Nicosia played host to the highly successful ISTOS closing conference, meticulously orga...
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Newsletter #6
Newsletter #6 Throughout the last year, numerous activities were undertaken by the ISTOS project team. Papers were presented at various conferences, r...
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ISTOS Project Summer School
The second Summer School of ISTOS centre will be organized by the Frederick Research Center in Cyprus between the 25th of May and the 1st of September...
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