Newsletter #3


On November 14, 2021, the first visit of the series of Expert Visits (EV-2) has been successfully completed. Specifically five staff of FRC and two staff of CUT have visited the premises of UNINA, Naples, in order to discuss good practices and operation models for a research center.

The UNINA (PLIVS – LUPT) personnel has demonstrated its lab facilities, moreover they proceeded to a series of presentations with the aim of information and dissemination of their work. A summary of each work is presented in the following pages. 

Kyriakou Matsi Str., Pallouriotissa, 1035, Nicosia
First floor
“The ISTOS project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (WIDESPREAD-TWINNING) under grant agreement No. 952300”

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